chapter eight: how to organize your fridge
One of the most forgotten things to organize in a home is usually the fridge. It’s usually low on the list or doesn’t even make the list. People don’t look at the fridge as a priority to organize. They are wrong.
Organizing your fridge is a game changer, not only does it look nice every time you open your fridge but it makes it so much easier to find things and helps you keep track of things you need to restock or throw away.
Fridges are all very different and however you choose to organize it is totally up to you. As long as everything is within it’s category and is contained somehow that’s all that really matters and makes a world’s difference.
You don’t need to spend a lot to organize your fridge, like I said every fridge is different so what I use in my fridge may not work for yours or vice versa. I will be linking a few of the products I used for my fridge and a few more others you may need.
We always assume that if we have to clean or organize something that it’s going to take most of our day and we dread doing it, well happy to tell you that organizing your fridge is not that. It’s quite an easy and quick task. I organize mine in 4 easy steps, the most it will take me is an hour and that rarely happens.
There you have it, four easy steps to making your fridge look so nice and organized. As you can see I like to mix and match my containers to add a little bit more texture and dimension. Clear containers are a must because they help you see everything you have. My baskets each have a purpose and I always put the same things in there so I know what’s in there so it’s ok if they’re not clear.
You can also label your containers if you want. I don’t like to do so because it limits the use of that container.
Everything I use in my fridge is linked below.